Today was just beautiful! Finally... I was really beginning to wonder if we were going to have any warm weather at all. Yesterday was cloudy and cool and it sprinkled on and off all afternoon. We did have a wonderful day though. My sweetie surprised me with such a wonderful birthday present. I have always wanted a dry sink. I was up at the crack of dawn to go to yard sales with my daughter and when I got home there was the most awesome dry sink sitting in the dining room with a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for me. He is so sweet. He had no idea what a dry sink was so he went to Piccadilly Lane, a local primitive and country shoppe, and told them he wanted a dry sink and didn't have a clue what he was looking for, but the fixed him right up.
Then he took me out to a wonderful dinner and we went out to celebrate! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.
Today was was a long, but very productive one. I bought a weeping pussy willow tree yesterday and went to pick it up this morning. My daughter came up to help me plant flowers and my beautiful tree in the flower bed beside the pool. We actually have been working on this bed for three summers. I told my fiancee that I wanted a "big" raised flower bed and boy did I get one! I came home from work and he had dug out a flower bed big enough to sit a house on. Well....not really, but it was huge. The first year we bought stone to put around it and with me working so much and not enough time to tend to it, the weeds took over. So last year we dug it up again and started over. I put garden fabric down and filled it with dirt. You are going to laugh as I should have known better, but he went out with the backhoe and got some dirt that was hauled in the year before and since it was dumped on top of weeds and grass, it was just a big mess. I couldn't weed it fast enough to keep the weeds out of it. So, I got frustrated and didn't do a darn thing with all last summer.
So now here we are Spring of 2009, I was determined it was not going to get the best of me this year. I downsized it a bit (you can tell in the first pic, where all the weeds still are) and spent two days weeding the darn thing again, soaked the heck out of it with weed killer for two weeks. Now we have a "weed free" bed, time to fill 'er up with flowers. We went to the nursery and got a dump truck of composted mix and came back and filled that sucker up again. (oh, and yes more garden fabric, two layers this time.) And off to the garden center we went again. Below are the results. I'm just so garsh darn proud of it. I need to get some mulch on it in the next couple of days, but I won this year! Weeds beware!!!

Hope you gals are having a great weekend. Until next time...
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